There’s a lot that goes into being a great pet sitter and dog walker. Your professional pet sitters and dog walkers have many responsibilities and are always kept on their toes. Caring for your pets is a big job, and we thought about sharing 5 pet sitter and dog walker safety tips for a successful service. By keeping these points in mind, we can protect ourselves and stay healthy while providing the best quality service to our customers.
Know Your Limit
As a local business, we love to help all our customers in the area. This makes it very easy to overwhelm our schedule with dog walks and pet sitting for days to come. As a professional business, it is important to set limits to the services we can provide to our clients and their pets. To provide the best quality service and ensure staff is not overworked, we only offer the number of services we can manage.
Limit Service Areas to a Manageable Amount
Reducing your service area can help manage the number of bookings you have to complete. It can also help you provide better service by knowing your service area very well. If you cover many more places, it may be challenging to keep up with all the pet care services scheduled throughout the day. It may also affect the knowledge you have of the area. Covering a wide service area may not give enough time to find all the best dog walking paths and trails to explore. Neighborhoods may also be less familiar to you and staff. This can affect your networking with clients, but it can also affect the services you offer if you aren’t familiar with all the great features in the area.
Don’t Forget about Yourself and Your Health
It’s easy to overwork oneself and staff with the busy seasons of pet sitting and dog walking. Pet sitters and dog walkers are always running around, going from client to client, ensuring the fur babies in their care are well taken care of. With all these responsibilities in our heads, it’s easy to forget about our health, and we fall back on taking care of ourselves. Within your busy day-to-day schedule as a sitter or walker, don’t forget to take some time for yourself. Taking breaks and a breather now and then is part of a healthy work ethic. Some time to yourself can be good to put your thoughts together and provide rest so that you feel energized to get back to work.
Have a Strong Network and be Protected and Insured
As professional pet sitters and dog walkers, we must be insured and bonded from any injuries or harm on the customer’s property. In addition to having the proper insurance, it is also important to have all the emergency contact information on file. This way, pet parents can be reached in case of an emergency. Having any liabilities covered can protect you as the sitter and dog walker as well as protect the pet and the customer’s home.
Having solid legal support is one part of keeping you and your staff safe; however, having a solid customer base can strengthen your network and business. It is essential to have good reviews and loyal customers that have your back and love your services. This can help your reputation in your community and service area.
Prepared Customers
The last component to pet sitter and dog walker safety is having a safe pet sitting environment. Customers who prepare detailed instructions and keep the property free from any dangers or messes create a safe work environment. Prepared customers ensure the pet sitter’s safety and the safety of their pets. Having all instructions, emergency contacts, and information available for pet sitters and walkers ensures the job goes smoothly. A calm and collected environment will have the pet sitter feeling safe and your pet comfortable and happy as well.
Pet care is a tough job that keeps pet sitters and dog walkers on their toes at all times. Many responsibilities come with this job, so it’s essential to keep our sitters and walkers safe at all times. These 5 pet sitter and dog walker safety tips can help keep your professional pet care providers feeling comfortable and secure on the job. Check out our pet sitting and dog walking services, and let us show you how our pet sitters and dog walkers deliver quality service.